Online Plans

Home Based

£35 / month

No equipment 
A home workout plan based around the use of bodyweight exercises to raise your heart rate and burn calories. The programme is based around different movement patterns with the aim of challenging you both physically and mentally to help you reach your goals. (2×30 min sessions per week)

A home workout plan which involves the use of light weights and/or resistance bands to aid movement, weight loss and toning. (2×30 min sessions per week)

Gym Based

£50 / month

Weight loss 
A gym-based workout aimed at getting the heart rate up using a mix of both cardio machines and weights. These two things combined help promote the body shape change you desire to reach your goal. (3×45 mins-1-hour sessions per week)

Muscle Hypertrophy 
A gym-based workout programme designed to help you to reach your aesthetic goals. (3×45 mins-1-hour sessions per week) 

A gym-based workout programme designed to help you to reach the pinnacle of your strength threshold. (3×1-hour-1.5hour sessions per week)

Online Coaching

£120 / month

A specific workout programme designed around you to meet your needs from specific goals, time restraints, lifestyle, sport specific, injury prevention etc. A specific programme that is progressed weekly to ensure you improve regardless of what your goal may be. Included in the package is specific nutrition advice on how to improve what you eat, how to track your calories, how to change your diet when you suffer from food allergies or any other nutrition questions you may have. 

There will also be 15-minute weekly catch ups through skype to see how you are getting on as well as access to be able to ask questions you have through email and Whatsapp. Programmes can also be based around any injuries or health conditions you may have.

Sign up for a better you.